Sunday, March 24, 2013

Verona, Italy.

   Yesterday, the husband and I decided that it was a good time to finally venture out of Vicenza. I'm pretty sure yesterday was the last day we will see the sun for the next few weeks. I say this, because it seriously never stops raining here. What is wrong with you, Italy?! I don't think Italy has gotten the memo that it's supposed to be gorgeous all the time. At least in my mind...


   The first city that we decided to travel to was Verona. This city is south west of Vicenza where we currently live. If you're wondering, Vicenza is directly between Verona and Venice. Just in case you were wondering.  We didn't really venture out too much. We just hopped on the train for a few hours of exploring and to eat some lunch.   

   When we got to Verona, we jumped in a cab to take us from the train station to the Piazza Bar.(downtown, center city area) Here, they had a nice outdoor market set up with fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, and plants. It is also where the main cafes, museums, and even the coliseum are located. We decided to first get some coffee and pizza, then we got a proper meal after walking about the city. The meal ended with wine and coffee, of course. 

   The trip was short winded, but it was nice to get out of Vicenza for a few hours, at least. I definitely look forward to spending much more time in Verona as soon as I possibly can. I see many day trips to Verona planned in our future! And to the rest of this beautiful country as well! 



1 comment:

  1. This is so lovely! I was in Rome last year and I didn't want to come back. Needless to say that is why we just put in to move to Italy with the AF. I hope we get it.
