Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey everyone!

   This morning I woke up to an an e-mail saying that I had gotten a new blog comment. To my surprise, that comment was for a nomination of a blogging award! Being that my blog is very new and has a small following base, I was very shocked! But nonetheless, thank you, thank you, thank you, Hannah!!! If you guys haven't taken a look at her blog before, you definitely should! *click on her name and it'll take you right to it!
  So like many blogging awards, this one has a few rules. All are simple, and some are even fun. So, here they are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Select 15 new blog/bloggers you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those bloggers for a Versatile Blogger Award, leave a link to their page and a comment on their latest post to let them know they've been nominated.
5. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

   See, not too hard! Now, on to my seven facts:

1. I have an 11 month old puppy named Charlie. She is half Australian Shepherd/German Shepherd. She is a person to me. I'm a little obsessed with her.
2. I am addicted to my iPhone. It pretty much never leaves my side. I am always tweeting, facebooking, e-mailing, or instagramming. It's actually a really bad habit.
3. My nails have to be painted at all times, or else I will bite them until there is almost nothing left. Also another bad habit.
4. I had never lived outside of my hometown in Louisiana until last October. Since then, I've lived in North Carolina and now Italy.
5.My favorite TV show is New Girl. I swear that me and the main character, Jessica, are the same person.
6.My favorite perfume scent is Daisy by Marc Jacobs. I've gone through almost two bottles in less than 2 years.
7. My husband and I started dating when we were 15 and 18, and we got married almost 3 years later, at ages 18 and 21. Our 6 month anniversary was two weeks ago. I couldn't be more happy with our life together. :)

   Now enough of my boring facts, on to my favorite part: My nominees! *in no particular order

1. Gemma Miss Makeup Magpie
2.ReNu My Beauty Junction
3.Olivia Living With Olivia
4.Neelofer Keeping Up With Neelofer
5.Valerie Scribbles of Valerie
6.Kelly Amourtera
7.Lauren Style Sista
8.Jess J.S and Makeup
9.Meghan Ahoy Native
10.Laura Lauras All Made Up

    Due to my super hungry hubby, I had to cut my list short to start cooking dinner. Oh the joys of wifey duties! Again, thank you so much Hannah I look forward to seeing all you ladies' 7 facts! Happy blogging! 



1 comment:

  1. Thanks lovely! I've already been nominated and written a post before but means a lot :) xx
